Sunday, February 8, 2009

PPR Seminar

Last Saturday, February 7th, the school sent me to attend a seminar which held in SMA Petra 1
Well, having a seminar full day on Saturday, away from my baby would not be my best plan :p
But the assignment letter has came...
Pradigm Pedagogy Refelection is the title

I felt grateful because they made me attend that seminar...
It's a great seminar (except one part in the prelude-introduction- that makes me felt like in a catholic church instead of in a seminar...hahaha....a person in front of me felt a sleep..hehehe...)

Anyway in that seminar, there are some values that I get...
1. It brings back my motivation to teach.....
Sometime I felt discourage by seeing the phenomenon at school around Indonesia...A kid values the result more than the process...They willingly to do everything to passed National Exam..
For those who came from lower-middle financial background, some of them feel it's okay to cheat between them...
For those who came from upper-middle financial background, some of them feel it's okay to buy the answers or the questions.
Probably I will get problems by posting it, but that's the reality...
And that makes me qustioning my self..what's the purpose of me being a teacher, if actually they can pass it themself without teacher...
But as people said..better light up a match against the darkness than doing nothing...

So here I am..try to light up my matches (which hopefully can light up some candle also soon...atau obor sekalian biar lebih terang :p). I'll do my best as a teacher, which in the process...hopefully I could inspire the others (my kids, my students especially) to build a beter make a better nation..
Hehehe..Am I hoping too much? Am I nuts? hahaha...who knows....

2. I amaze of Pak Kartono dan Pak Katino who have high dedication on teaching and also high dedication of heir students. I salute them. Despite the lack of facility, they able to make great breakthrough, great inovation on learning.
The happiness and willingness of the kids to gain the knowledges is their main concern.
How to make a kids loves their subject.
And how to make the process is fun and meaningful, so the kids will not only concern about the result but they gain some values that timeless

3. That is not only the knowledge of the subject that needs to be taught to a kid, but the most important is how to teach them able to make reflection of themselves.
How the students will able to empathize andbuild their sympathy about what happend in their their world...

4. The things that I also get is about the value it self... Although it's based on Christianity prespective, but actually it's a world wide values...
The values that I thing all people aware of it, but decreasing this time. They are honesty (kejujuran), brotherhood (persaudaraan), and teamwork (kerjasama), respect
At Pak Katino's school 90% of the students is not Catholic or Christian(although it is a Catholic foundation), and it doesn't  mean that they want to make their students to be Catholic...
They just want they kids to love learning, to get and implement the values in their life. To be a better person.
And I thing their values is a common values and still good values for our life.

I, indeed still have a lot to learn....
I'm still learning to be a teacher, still learning to be a good mother, still learning to be a good wife, still learning to be a good sister, still learning to be a good friend, still learning to build my business,  still learning to learn a lot of thing...
I just wish to have enough time to learn all of that. Amien. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's good for you my friend.
Happy teaching for something in a good way.

Cheers, frizzy.