Another award....Yipppiiieee.... I got this award from Irhanma. Thank you Ir, specially because I think I didn't deserve it yet...Fabulous Blog...Am I? Anyway, as the task for those who receive it..here's I pass it to other person. The task are :
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are FABULOUS.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
The blog that I nominated as the fabulous blog are
1. Ardi
2. Mbak Ely
3. Achilles (although probably you already have it)
4. Mbak Risty
5. Shirgie
6. Ms. Green
8. Mbak Astrid
9. Wyne
10. Chelle
For those that I mentioned please share it also to other friends :)
aw...aw...dapet award ternyata :D
selamat buat yang nerima ;)
salam kenal :)
terima kasih yah award nya kaya mimpi nich dapat penghargaan kaya gini.
Ok mbak thanks, saya terima, tapi buat blog ku yang satunya aja ya ..kasian dia gak pernah dapet award hehehe..nanti kalo sudah saya pasang, saya beritau lagi ;> sekali lagi thanks..
Terima kasih awatrdnya udah diambil...
satu hal, nama saya kok jadi Irhanma seharusnya Irhamna, n dan m nya kebalik tu mbak...
Oh ya, yang dapat award selamat ya!!
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