Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Blackberry...hmmm...small gadget with huge function...

Last time when I went to Jakarta, my business partner suggest me to buy it so we can communicate easier and effectively....

"HA..AH...BLACKBERRY, MAS??" "Ga usah deh..." that's my reply at that time. "Banyak yang masih urgent buat sekarang..."

I have a principle that I'm not a gadget mania...I choose an item based on it function and not because it is a trend....And I think for now, I don't need blacberry yet.... I have my handphone (although without special fiture) and PGD's laptop that enable me to connect with internet...So, it' enough for me now.

But, today at school...O M G... I saw blackberry everywhere...my students bring it as if it just an ordinary item, something that can easily get by them...hiks-hiks-hiks berarti gurunya yang kuper kali ya...ga mau blackberry. Aduh, ga habis pikir...buat apa gitu ya blackberry-nya mereka..ckckck...Browsing buat tugas sekolah khan juga ga segitunya....ckckck....

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