Friday, February 27, 2009
Some Survey that I Took
I can not I take several quizes from Facebook..And here's the result....
You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are uniqe and rare!
KELSEY (Namanya sapa ya nih..?)
You are Kelsey!!!! You are beautiful and loving, and you are true to only one man. You have trouble deciding what you want, but when you have decided, there is no stopping you from getting it.
Wkakak...Huahaha...Thank It's a funny quizes..If you have ime, try it yourself :)
Do you remember your own experience?
One thing that I remember is about friendship. I used to have rivals in my life, but they also my closest best friends (Cha, ingat ga kita sering bersaing bareng ama Galih juga waktu SMA dulu?Aku kangen masa2 itu :p) Yo, aku kangen masa2 kuliah kita :)
And there's also another best friends of mine that live so close to my house, and makes our parents seems to always comparing us. I found out it years after that time, that actually her mother sometime compare me to her, just like what my mother did(but probably my mom compare me to you more often..hehehe...My mom always like you..). But if she was being compared to me by her mom for academic result than I used to being compared to her by my mom because of her beauty and fashion things. And during my teenage life, that makes me lose confidence sometimes...specially when it comes to appereance. She indeed very pretty (you are sist..hehehe...)
The funny thing is everytime I have a crush to a guy, it turns out that boy will falling in love for her..So, whenever I had a crush to someone, then I will introduce him to her.
Because if that boy turns out to have a crush for her, then I already prepare for it and I already prepare from being heart it's like a test that I made to prevent my heart to be broken.
Tapi sekarang dah insyaf kok lagi...suer..khan dah ada Mas Ayok (actually my husband is one of the 3 person that passed "this test"..wkakak..And that's what makes me want to date with him years ago..wkakak..)
Wah kok jadi curhat..anyway...For me Friendship is something that important in my life..
Through the process it will not be always smooth..
Sometimes there's arguing...
Sometimes there's competition...
And at the rarer time there will be huge fight....
But experiences had teach me that friends also will be the one who gives you ears to listen to....
a shoulder to cry on...
A mouth to defend for you...
And the most important keep you stand on your feet, when you feel lose grip.
So, for my students... You still have a long journey a head...Fill it with a lot of friends, because the are treasure in life. I've share another story of my past during the pastoral care session, right? :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Fabulous Award :)

Another award....Yipppiiieee.... I got this award from Irhanma. Thank you Ir, specially because I think I didn't deserve it yet...Fabulous Blog...Am I? Anyway, as the task for those who receive's I pass it to other person. The task are :
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are FABULOUS.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
The blog that I nominated as the fabulous blog are
1. Ardi
2. Mbak Ely
3. Achilles (although probably you already have it)
4. Mbak Risty
5. Shirgie
6. Ms. Green
8. Mbak Astrid
9. Wyne
10. Chelle
For those that I mentioned please share it also to other friends :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What Happends in Vegas
I saw another movie last night. Actually it's not a new movie, and I already watched it before. But it such a sweet sweet.. :p
It's not a serious movie. The genre is comedy-romantic, and the story actually is not a fully new story, but still it's fun to see it again.
The story begin with Joy (Cameron Diaz) daily activities and also Jack's (Ashton Kutcher) life. And then one day, when Joy want to give a surprise party for her fiancée...the fiancée DUMP HER in front of all their friends who still hiding at their apartment. Meanwhile, Jack is being fired from job by his own father who owns it. In the middle of their miserable life, Joy& Tipper(her friend) decide to go to Vegas. In other place, Jack and his friend also decide to go to Vegas.
And due to a mistake that the hotel made, all of them end up at the same room. Funny scenes begin :) In Vegas, a city where party is never stopped..a city of sin people may say (but personally, for me one of the city that I would like to see before I die : p ) Can you guess what happen next?
The next morning, Joy and Jack realize that both of them bond to each other in a marriage that they don't want. And something happen that make them more difficult to end their marriage....Pregnancy? Nope...
$3,000,000 money is the answer...How come ??? Because at the end of their arguing, Jack pulls a jackpot machine using Joy’s money. And then when they went to court, the judge asked them to live together for 6 months as husband and wife and work on their marriage, otherwise they will not get the money at all…
Imagine $1,500,000 (when it share equally) will be equal to Rp. M G..aku juga mau..hehehe...
Anyway, so the story continues with Jack’s and Joy’s life as husband and wife. So funny… How they try to defeat one another but actually without they realize it, they are meant to be…. They are fit one another… So sweet (Hepi, my kiddo will say…) So How’s the end of it? How about the money? How about their marriage? Please see it yourself. Probably you can already guess it, but the scene of it…hmmm…so romantic..hehehe…
If you already stress with works and try to find a movie that can make you laugh…Then you definitely have to see this movie. It’s not a serious movie that drag your emotion and not also a thriller or horror…It’s just a fun movie. Check it yourself
These weeks are the busiest weeks for teachers....TIME TO INPUTING SCORE....
Two weeks from now the Cita Hati Senior School Students will receive their mid-semester report, that's mean this week is the latest time to input score and comment....Aduh...aku harus begadang deh malam ini...koreksian masih menumpuk (How I hate my last minute habbit now :< )
Come on Rila...Fight..Fight.... :p
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Curios Case of Benjamin Button
After I read mas Indra's (my partner) review about this movie, then I asked Willy to buy it..and then I borrowed from him :p bondo :p
When I watched this movie, actually I felt that the story is impossible (or is it possible??) and it a little bit annoying...because the genre is drama and not science fiction or imaginary fiction like Harry Potter or Twillight...
But indeed it has a great message about love, the morale or the value behind it is good. It is emotionally dragging (But I am a weepy anyway..). And above all...seeing Brad Pitt(as Benjamin) and Cate Blanchet (as Daisy) together are something... (cakep-cakep gitu lho..hahaha...).
Although I regret Benjamin's decision to left his family.... but I admire how deep the love that Benjamin and Daisy shared each other. Able to accept someone that we love through good and bad touching....
And what I like also is the way Daisy (Cate B) dressed her self...Elegance. I wish I could have her mungkin :p And Brad Pitt acting as Benjamin is something else that need to be acknowledge as well as Cate Blanchet's acting. From an oldman into a young man...and other way around...
So the conclusion is, if you looking for a romantic-drama movie...Then this movie is highly recommended. If you are a person who don't like a fiction, probably you will confused when you see this movie.
Ga terasa, dah setahun setelah rabu abu taon lalu...
Apa itu Rabu Abu?
Hmm...untuk umat katolik, Rabu Abu adalah mulainya masa berpuasa dan berpantang sampai dengan Jumat Agung (nanti bulan April..3 hari sebelum Paskah). Dimasa ini semua umat diharapkan untuk berpantang sesuatu yang sangat disenangi...
Kalau di Indonesia sih ga ada ritual khusus..paling cuman ke misa untuk terima abu di dahi kita. Tapi kadang di beberapa negara ada ritualnya tuh..hari ini biasanya dikenal dengan Fat Tuesday (puas-puasin sebelum puasa..gitu kali ya...) dan ada festival Mardi Grass
Hmm...anyway itu mengingatkanku bahwa harus cepet-cepet pulang nih biar bisa ke misa sore ini... :)
Blackberry...hmmm...small gadget with huge function...
Last time when I went to Jakarta, my business partner suggest me to buy it so we can communicate easier and effectively....
"HA..AH...BLACKBERRY, MAS??" "Ga usah deh..." that's my reply at that time. "Banyak yang masih urgent buat sekarang..."
I have a principle that I'm not a gadget mania...I choose an item based on it function and not because it is a trend....And I think for now, I don't need blacberry yet.... I have my handphone (although without special fiture) and PGD's laptop that enable me to connect with internet...So, it' enough for me now.
But, today at school...O M G... I saw blackberry students bring it as if it just an ordinary item, something that can easily get by them...hiks-hiks-hiks berarti gurunya yang kuper kali mau blackberry. Aduh, ga habis pikir...buat apa gitu ya blackberry-nya mereka..ckckck...Browsing buat tugas sekolah khan juga ga segitunya....ckckck....
Monday, February 23, 2009
PETRA TOGA MAS is very good
Now I want to review about a book store..but because it's in Indonesia, so I'll use Indonesian language :)
Pernah dengar TOGA MAS? Sebelum ada Toga Mas di Surabaya, aku sudah pernah beberapa kali ke Toga Mas Malang (my hometown...) Dan ketika tahu ada Petra Toga Mas di dekat rumahku (Jl. Pucang, yach terhitung dekat lah dari ITS), kusia-siakan....langsung kesana dengan Mas Ayok dan Alex.
Sudah beberapa kali aku ke Toga Mas, dan beberapa hal yang aku suka dari PETRA TOGAMAS yang di Jl. Pucang....
1. Tentu saja koleksi bukunya yang bisa memuaskan kerakusanku, mas Ayok, dan Alex.... Pendek kata semua ada...dari buku-buku IT nya Mas Ayok, buku hard paper buat Alex, novel dan buku pelajaran buat aku....semua ada....
2. Harga yang sangat amat baik/miring....Aku ingat ketika aku membeli Twilight series, aku bisa menghemat lebih dari Rp. 50.000 karena beli di Toga Mas dan bukan di Toko Buku G
3. Ada fasilitas sampul gratis atau sampul dengan bayar biaya yang sangat murah...
4. Ada kebijakan..."Baca, ga puas, balikin dalam 2 hari"...Tapi selama ini belum pernah ga puas sih :)
5. Suasananya yang cozy...Alex seneng banget kalo jalan2 ke sini...selain ada buku-buku yang dia suka, di bagian bawah juga ada cafe dan kolam yang ada ikannya....Wah si Alex khan suka banget ama binatang-binatang.....Jadi dia selalu hepi kalo diajak ke Petra Toga Mas
6. Ada cafe dengan fasilitas Wifi....memang belum pernah bawa lapotop kesana sih...(karena selalu pas ama Alex...) Tapi suasanaya enak banget buat sekedar bersantai di cafe ama nikmatin Wifi nya... Harga makanan dan minumannya juga make sense lah....
Kalo ingin dapet koleksi buku murah, lengkap, garansi dengan suasana yang enak....dateng aja ke PETRA TOGA MAS.. :D
Cuman satu kekurangannya...parkirnya buat mobil kayaknya perlu ditambah deh...rada susah juga kalo pas rame....
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My husband has a dream to own his own business empire one day. I wish it can be dreams come true :D and right now we still struggle for it. I'm enjoying my job as a teacher but I also want his dream come true. So, we try to teach business to Alex very early (mas Ayok idea mostly).... If Alex get used to know on how a business is run, then hopefully it can enriched him in the future. Beside, through it, we hope Alex can socialized well with other people. Coz in business, it involve how you make a networking with others, how you treat others...It doesn't mean we put high pressure on him, it just we want him to have fun with it....Learn to see how his mom and dad earn money, build relation, or maintain something
Semenjak umur Alex sekitar 14-16 bulan (lupa tepatnya sih, pokonya mulai dia bisa mulai jalan sendiri :p) Alex dah ikut bantu usahanya papanya jualan galon...hehehe...jadi setiap ada orang yang pesan galon, Alex ikut susternya nganterin galon untuk para tetangga sekitar rumah (Untuk yang di daerah kampus ITS, ada orang lain yang membantu kami..) dan setelah itu, Alex yang akan bawa galon kosongnya. Setiap kali Alex bisa bawa sendiri galon kosongnya, Alex dapet Rp. 500 buat dimasukkin ke celengannya...Dikit-dikit jadi bukit kata orang..hehehe.... Dan alex juga seneng kalo bisa masukin uang ke celengan..:D
Nah kemarin juga ketika susternya Alex mulai jualan sandal dan sepatu Alex pasti ikut (kecuali kalo lagi hujan atau cuaca buruk..) jualan door to door ke para tetangga di sekitar rumahku.
Hehehe...gayanya udah kayak penjualan kawakan...ketika sudah di rumah salah seorang tetangga, Alex akan buka kardus-kardus itu dan dengan celotehnya yang masih cadel bilang.. "ini ya..ya...ini?" atau "ini agus..ya hau? (ini bagus, ya..mau?) huahaha..kalo susternya Alex cerita tentang hal ini..aku sampe ngakak...Alex..Alex..dia lebih jago jualan daripada mamanya...
Jadi teringat almarhum mamaku...karena beliau juga orang yang sangat persuasif dan jago jualan..hehehe...nurun ke cucunya. Dan rata-rata orang akan beli daganganya Alex..mungkin karena liat gaya Alex yang lucu pas ngejualnya...hehehe....Dan dirumah Alex juga suka tiru kegiatan jual - beli kayak di swalayan, atau jadi kayak penjual bakso...hehehe...lucu...
Prinsip aku dan Mas Ayok, selama pekerjaan itu masih dalam jalan yang benar, masih halal....berarti ga perlu malu khan...Cak Eko dan Cak Man yang jualan bakso aja juga bisa sukses banget..hehehe...
Dan mulai minggu depan, kayaknya pengalaman Alex untuk jualan akan bertambah karena aku akan buka persewaan buku dan dvd serta jualan pulsa dan juice di rumah.
Mohon doa restunya ya :)
At my last post about Alex...I was so confused of him, because it seems that he don't like to be at school...
So right now, I want to write down the newest update about it...
Thanks GOD, after almost 2 weeks, his father and I take turn to drop him or pick him up from school...he seems become more confidence at school.
He never cry again when he saw his uniform. He never cry again during lesson at school...Thank God. Even last friday..he wanted to go to school earlier :) And whenever he came back from school, he can told us (me and his papa) what happend at school... (although some of it quite hard to be understand because he didn't pronounce it correctly...but at least from his enthusiasm, I know that he is happy at school..)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Before I started to review things or submit my blog at Paid to Review, better I review my self...hehehe... For those who knows me, you are welcome to commented whether my review is right or not :). Jadi buat yang kenal aku, silahkan kalo mo komen apa refleksi diriku ini bener apa nggak... Okay here we go..
1. Clumpsy and forgetful...Teledor dan pelupa.... I've tried to deal with this weakness,but sometime when there's so many things on my mind, I'm easily forget about small detail..forget where I've put my stuff and things like that.
2. Selfish...Egois... At sometimes I felt ashamed of my self, I'm too selfish specially to my family. Maaf ya pa, mayok, alex, rina, ido kalo aku sering egois dan mau menang sendiri..
3. Sleep easily..iya aku tuch suka gampang banget ketiduran...apalagi kalo mo nidurin Alex.. maunya abis gitu bangun buat ngerjain beberapa hal...eee....keblabasan ampe pagi. Due to the things that I still should do, sometimes I feel guilty because I still sleep 7 hour a day...ckckck...I should able to decrease my time to sleep. God only gives 24 hours a day, kadang terlalu mubazir untuk dibuat tidur.
4. Introvert...I used to be an introvert, but by being a teacher now I'm become more extrovert :)
5. Can not easily trust someone...Susah percaya ke orang. It's hard for me to trust someone...sometimes I'm too paranoid I guess...
6. Paranoid...hehehe..aku suka kuatir... I'm easily worried..I don't know is it because I'm too possessive or what...But after I read about Borderline Disorder, I've tried my best to deal with it
7. Messy...Berantakan..Hehehe..I guess this should be my number 2 biggest problems...I'm so messy with my things. That's why I feel sorry with Ms. Maria Liza and Mr Jos who share tables with me...And also Mas Ayok, because my home so messy, while he is a neat man..Maaf ya pa.. Sometime in a neat place, I feel afraid to mess up everything and that makes me can not work well...hehehe...self excuse.. :p
8. Easily burst in tears...Gampang menangis...When I read something or watch something touchy..usually I burst in tears..I hate it, but can not prevent it :( My husband always tease me because of it :(
9.Childish...kekanak-kanakan...even my little brother and my little sister is wiser than me :(
1. Hard worker..pekerja keras, even this morning I had an argue with my husband because he didn't allow me to go to school due to my condition which still at recovery condition after sick. Seandainya suamiku keukeh tidak ijinkan aku untuk masuk kerja, yach aku akan turuti mas Ayok (walau mungkin sambil ngambek..:p), tetapi setelah tadi sempat debat, ahkirnya mas Ayok ijinin aku kerja..hehehe...Suami yang sayang ama istri. I feel bad if because of my absent, my friends need to inval me.. So as long as I can stand on my feet, I will do my obligation. Selama aku masih bisa berdiri, berarti aku akan melakukan kewajibanku...
2. Persistent.... If I want something than I will do my best to reach it. Kalo aku ingin mencapai sesuatu, aku akan melakukan yang terbaik dan terus mencoba sampai hal itu bisa kuperoleh. I believe that nothing is impossible with God's help. So we should not stop to try our best.
3. Fast learner...Bisa belajar sesuatu secara cepat... Ga tau sih ini kelebihan atau bukan, mungkin karena aku suka belajar hal baru..jadi kalo aku nemuin sesuatu yang baru..aku pengen cepet bisanya (kecuali belajar mandarin nih..belum bisa-bisa..:p) I just like to learn new things, if I found something new, I will try to do it.
4. Trustworthy...Bisa dipercaya...At least I've tried my best to be able to keep a secret. Although some secrets can be scary sometimes :p
What else ya???
There's something that I need input from you, all of my friends and readers....
1. Am I a good friends? Saya teman yang baik tidak?
2. Am I patient..sabar??
Please give me comment and recommendation (things I need to improve..). So I can improve my self. Thank you so much :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Okay, for this post I will write it in Indonesia, because the product that I will review is an Indonesian product anyway... :) It is a vitamin for babies and kids. A problem-solver for those parents who have a kid that having dfficulties with meals..And also because it helps me much so I will review it for free :)
Apakah anak anda pernah susah makan?
Sudah diajak mainan, makanan dimodel yang menarik..tetapi masih aja nasi sepiring ga abis2...
Pernahkah anda mengalaminya...???
Well, anak saya, Ales sekarang berumur 26 bulan. Dan waktu dia berumur sekitar 22 bulan, Alex sempat sangat susah makannya... Biasanya dia memang makan suka di"kemu", hanya dikulum di mulut tapi lama menelannya, walaupun begitu biasanya porsi nasinya pasti habis (walau kadang butuh 2 jam untuk nyuapinnya..hehehe...)
Tapi ketika 4 bulan yang lalu, Alex bener2 susah makannya....masuk 4-5 sendok terus sudah ga mau lagi. Kadang karena saya takut dia kurang gizi, jadi susunya yan saya banyakin..sehari bisa 5-6 kali minum susu 250 ml. Tapi efeknya makannya tambah berkurang lagi. Padahal Alex sudah minum vitamin penambah nafsu makan..tapi ga ada hasilnya...
Lalu ketika saya share dengan salah satu teman, Ms Lina menyarankan untuk mengkonsumsi CURMUNOS...anaknya mendapat resep tersebut dari dokter.
Jadi keesokkan harinya saya ke apotek beli Curmunos. Dari segi harga memang lumayan jauh jaraknya. Vitamin V yang biasa dikonsumsi Alex hanya +/-15 ribu untuk botol yang besar (25o ml kalo ga salah..), nah CURMUNOS ini harganya 58-60 ribu untuk botol kecil.
Namanya juga buat anak, ga ada uang tetep diusahain buat beli..hehehe...
Awalnya Alex tidak suka rasanya...dia selalu muntah ketika dikasih Curmunos dan minta vitaminnya yang lama...tetapi setelah seminggu, mungkin Alex sudah adaptasi dengan rasanya, jadi dia mau minum tanpa harus dibujuk-bujuk lagi.
Wah, nafsu makan Alex jadi mengila..hahaha...dia makan seporsi nasi hanya dalam waktu kurang dari sejam, bahkan kadang kurang dari setengah jam. Lalu kalo papanya atau saya makan, pasti dia mo ikutan makan, walau hanya 4-5 sendok. Trus roti dan jajanan itu jadi sangat suka sekali.
Puji Tuhan sampai sekarang nafsu makannya masih bagus. Karena nafsu makan yang bagus itu, otomtis daya imun nya juga naek dan jadi jarang sakit. Lalu badannya sudah mulai kelihatan, anak saya mungkin memang pawakan kurus kayak papanya, jadi makan gendut-gendut..ckckck...Tapi at least sekarang pipinya udah agak tembem...badannya tingginya juga cepat...Puji Tuhan
Terima kasih Ms Lin, karena dah ngasih saran. Makasi Curmunos karena menjaga kesehatan anak saya dan membuatnya sangat suka makanan (sekarang semua macam makanan Alex mau...sayur, santan, buah, daging, dll..).
Rila, really Last Minute Girl :(
Last weekend I went to Jakarta by plane. From Surabaya, I already left the school in hurry, because the plane is rescheduled 2 hours earlier. Unfourtuneatly, on that day, I also has a meeting with the parents of scholarship students. So I have to left the meeting earlier, and my husband drove like crazy to airport. Thanks God at that time..I really on time..I mean, really on time...when I sat at Boarding Room for less than a minute then there's a call for all passanger to entered the plane...So really on time..
The craziest part is when I went back from Jakarta. I left Wita's boarding house at Radio Dalam around 6.30 and went by Shuttle Bus at airport. Actually at 7.30 I already arrived at airport, and my plane was at 8.35 so..there's some spare time.
But at that morning I also wait for my sister, Rina who was from AN-TAM Office to met together at airport. I missed her so much....So she arrive at 8.00 and we had breakfast and chat until 8.15.
At 8.20 I check in, and the officer said all the passanger already boarding, so I drag my self to run in the corridor. But before I arrive at the boarding Room, the airport officer found problems with my baggage. The said about can or dangerous things that I brought.. That was 8.30 already...
O My that point I was so upset...5 more minutes and I will late for my plane...
After pulling out all my belonging in front of those turns out "the problems" is my perfume bottle...O M G... Because it spray bottle and they found it as a dangerous item.
So after passed the checking..I run to the Boarding Room, and there's already NOBODY...
They told me to run along the elephant nose, because the plane is already ready to take off...
My heart beating faster at that time...Thanks GOD, they still wait for me...So, when I finished to put my luggage at the cabin baggage and sat, The plane is moving away from the elephant nose. Thanks God I'm able to catch the plane...Thanks GOD, especially when I heard the next plane after mine (which probably I will take when I can not catch my flight..) having an accident at the Juanda airport...
Until now, I'm still give praise to God for it...Although at the last second (not last minute anymore:>) God still give His grace to me. Thank you Lord...Fiuuhhh...What a day...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Although my main job is a teacher, but my husband and I also started some business of our own as our future plan. Some of them are survive (even success...) but many of them also failed :p
And all of this time my husband and I usually started a business based on Friendship and Mutual Respect one another. And so far there's seem no problems although most of the time only based on TRUST. Or if there's problems usually only minor problems..friction between one another... But mostly it can be solved and we also still can maintain our friendship.
But now, I've learned it in a hard way...
The business that we build based on Friendship and Trust, turns out become boomerang for ourselves. Like in bible said ...Indeed Mammon (Money) is the oldest temptation for human being... And now I only can regret it, why in the past I didn't make clear and legal agreement about everything...Why..Why..Why...It turns out the value that I have in life especially about TRUST, HONESTY, RESPECT, and FRIENDSHIP can be easily twisted by another person. I never imagine that a person can do such of things..twisted everything around.
I don't like conflict (as a sanguin-plegmatis person, I prefer to solve everything personally). But for this case, if conflict is the answer and it needs to be refers to the Indonesian law, than I'm ready. I'll do whatever it takes to fight for my right..wuih..kesannnya rek :p
Rp. omzet is a huge amount to be deal with.Ugh...
But, I've try to see it in a positive way...that it is a lesson for me personally on how to run a business...yach.. you could say that It's a blessing in disguise...
Hopefully through this experience can make the business that we've build can have stronger foundation, Mas...Amien
Hopefully through this experience can enable me to run a better business. Amien
Hopefully through this experience, there are blessing and fortune in the future. Amien. Amien. Amien
Airplane Buddy
Have you ever make a friend on a plane?
Yesterday, I was at Sriwijaya Airline from Surabaya to Jakarta. And the person next to me introduce himself. I was quite surprise because usually whenver I'm on a plane, people usually busy with their own business and seems don't want to know about their next seat person.
I also like to make new friends...But sometime I found it hard to start conversation first with a stranger..
Have you experience things like this...??
But from yesterday experience, I realize that actually people like to be tag, but it just probably difficult for them to tag it first :)
Makasi ya Mas Adjie, udah nyapa duluan....Dan untungnya pembicaraan bisa nyambung ya..(ato disambung-sambungin ya..hahaha...). Jadi perjalanan Surabaya-Jakarta ga kerasa. Semoga pertemanan kita bisa lanjut terus. Salam untuk nyonya dan si kecil. Lain kali kalo ada tugas di Surabaya, just ring me...Bakalan kutunjukkin wisata kuliner di Surabaya. Ato mo ke Malang sekalian juga boleh.. :) Ntar kukenalin juga ama Mas Ayok (my hubby ) and Alex (anakku..)
En kalo butuh konsultan jangan lupa buka aja atau ya mas...hehehe promosi :p
Monday, February 9, 2009
ALEX AT SCHOOL (Part II), Please give me advise
For 2 weeks, Alex was okay with the school, he enjoyed it so much. It shown by his answer whenever I asked him about his school. He able to explain the material that is being taught at school. He able to draw "kelkel" (translation :circle), kuer (translation :square) and sometime proudly showed the stamp that he had in his hand because being good at school. After 2 days at school, the baby sitter already left him alone in class, but it seems okay with him.
But that is different now. Lately he don't want to go to school. Only by seeing his uniform, can make him cry histerically. And it's getting worse when he arrive at school. He will refuse to enter the class. He cries everytime at school..(And God knows how loud Alex can cry ..hehehe...). Now everyone in Buah Hati know Alex...the boy how cry so loud..ckckck...
I confuse what should I do?
Ms. Risa suggest that probably Alex needs more time with his parents at school.
So I followed her suggestion.
But the school has strict regulation that every students allowed to be accompanied by their parents only at their first month.
Alex doesn't have this problems at his first month, he-infact-able to adapt well during his first month, but now.....
Parents out there..what did you do in your kids first day at school?
As a teacher, I always advice my students parents...but know dealing with my own son and I haven't got any clue what should I do....
Or what makes him "hates" school (ketakutan lebih tepatnya...terrifiying more likely...)
Is it too early for him to be at school? (my son is 2 years old)
Is it because he is the only child (for now)?
Right now, me and my husband always take Alex to school ourselves. But because my husband has work in shift, so lately I become more often to ask permission from school to take Alex at his school. I swop my teaching hours to another period after Alex's school hour.
At home, my husband and I play role play like in a school..Hopefully it can make him for comfortable.
And I pray that Alex can enjoying his school again soon..God, please help him...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
PPR Seminar
Well, having a seminar full day on Saturday, away from my baby would not be my best plan :p
But the assignment letter has came...
Pradigm Pedagogy Refelection is the title
I felt grateful because they made me attend that seminar...
It's a great seminar (except one part in the prelude-introduction- that makes me felt like in a catholic church instead of in a seminar...hahaha....a person in front of me felt a sleep..hehehe...)
Anyway in that seminar, there are some values that I get...
1. It brings back my motivation to teach.....
Sometime I felt discourage by seeing the phenomenon at school around Indonesia...A kid values the result more than the process...They willingly to do everything to passed National Exam..
For those who came from lower-middle financial background, some of them feel it's okay to cheat between them...
For those who came from upper-middle financial background, some of them feel it's okay to buy the answers or the questions.
Probably I will get problems by posting it, but that's the reality...
And that makes me qustioning my self..what's the purpose of me being a teacher, if actually they can pass it themself without teacher...
But as people said..better light up a match against the darkness than doing nothing...
So here I am..try to light up my matches (which hopefully can light up some candle also soon...atau obor sekalian biar lebih terang :p). I'll do my best as a teacher, which in the process...hopefully I could inspire the others (my kids, my students especially) to build a beter make a better nation..
Hehehe..Am I hoping too much? Am I nuts? hahaha...who knows....
2. I amaze of Pak Kartono dan Pak Katino who have high dedication on teaching and also high dedication of heir students. I salute them. Despite the lack of facility, they able to make great breakthrough, great inovation on learning.
The happiness and willingness of the kids to gain the knowledges is their main concern.
How to make a kids loves their subject.
And how to make the process is fun and meaningful, so the kids will not only concern about the result but they gain some values that timeless
3. That is not only the knowledge of the subject that needs to be taught to a kid, but the most important is how to teach them able to make reflection of themselves.
How the students will able to empathize andbuild their sympathy about what happend in their their world...
4. The things that I also get is about the value it self... Although it's based on Christianity prespective, but actually it's a world wide values...
The values that I thing all people aware of it, but decreasing this time. They are honesty (kejujuran), brotherhood (persaudaraan), and teamwork (kerjasama), respect
At Pak Katino's school 90% of the students is not Catholic or Christian(although it is a Catholic foundation), and it doesn't mean that they want to make their students to be Catholic...
They just want they kids to love learning, to get and implement the values in their life. To be a better person.
And I thing their values is a common values and still good values for our life.
I, indeed still have a lot to learn....
I'm still learning to be a teacher, still learning to be a good mother, still learning to be a good wife, still learning to be a good sister, still learning to be a good friend, still learning to build my business, still learning to learn a lot of thing...
I just wish to have enough time to learn all of that. Amien. :)
Breaking Dawn is The Best of Them All
I've read them all...
From Twilight - New Moon - Eclipse - Breaking Dawn...
And From my opinion....
Breaking Dawn is the best from all of them all...
Stephanie Meyer's writting is not emotionally dragging like Nicholas Sparks, Ilana Tan or Andre Hirata
I'm a weepy girl...I easily cried :p
But when I read Twilight series, only Breaking Dawn that made me cry ( a little abit :p when Bella handing Renesmee to Jacob and ask them to run a way...well family has been values of my life, so it makes me sad to see a family a part )
Twilight series is not full romantic novel, because it has action also...
Usually if I read some romance, there's seems like a bird in my heart..(hehehe..) something twisting my heart...But that's seldom happend when I read Twilight series..
Then what makes me stand to read 3 thick novels in a week?? ( I've read twilight 3 weeks ago..)
Well, there's something drag me to read it more and more...CURIOSITY I Guess...
Yes, twilight series, it makes us strech our imagination...
Just like JK Rowling did with her Harry Potter series...
It's something that makes us in a fantasy world...makes us try to imagine how everything works...
And Stephanie Meyer able to describe everything visually through her writtings.
In Twilight series, sometime there's unpredictable humour...remind me of Clara Ng's novel (but not many humour like in Clara's novel..)
And in Breaking Dawn, it seems I found my dreams about world peace...
If something that created to be enemy of one another, turn out can be friends and family...
Then how, we as human still againts one another..still kill one another in wars....ashamed...
Okay back to Breaking Dawn...
In Twilight we've know how Bella met Edward..
In New Moon, we've know more about Bella and the triangle love is made and consequences behind it.
In Eclipse, explore more about the love triangle between them... ( a girl can find and in love with two great and fantastic guy..A Fortune if I may say...or disasater???hehehe...)
In Breaking Dawn is a closing about their triangle love, but there's a win-win solution...and happy ending for all...I've really enjoyed my self when I read this...
How friends, family,love, tolerant and respect turns out to be the solving of their problems...
(At least for now, coz I know Stephanie Meyer is ready with the 5ft books...I dunno yet what problem will she drag us in...:P )
Two different things can be unity in a harmony if there's respect and tolerant (toleransi)...
Just like Stevie Wonder song (Ebony and Ivory living side by side in a peace harmony...) or
John Lennon's song
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
Okay that's all for now... If I have to rank 0-5 , then Twilight series will have my 4.5 rank...You should read it by yourself.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Hiii...just by imagine what happend last Sunday, makes me feel horrific.
Okay, it's all start when there's a cat and its 3 kittens come to my house and seems to enjoy and happy at my house. I hate them and I'm afraid to them, but as long as they stays at my garden and do not come to my house, it's fine with me.. Because I also feel pity to them and don't want to kill them or something like that. So, I can live with them, as long as they don't touch me or getting to close to me :)
But when I was going to Church on Sunday morning with Alex, I had a bad feeling (Sheweng my best friend used to say I had strong intuition...:p)
At that time, the babysitter said that there is no cats under my car..
So, slowly I drove my cars out. 300 meters from my house I heard "miaw..miaaw"
Suddenly, I stop in the middle of the street. I was histerically thought that the cat was inside my car.
I just scream histerically (I'm ashamed if I remember that..)
You can say that I 'm afraid to them more than I used to...Hiii...
Cat? You mean cat the animal? Hehehe..some people who don't know me well probably ask that questions :)
Yep...The cat...The animal...
I don't know why, since a kid, I was terrify to cats...
It even worst when I was a kid. I remember I almost fainted because my brother tease me by put a kitten in front of me...
But it's getting better when I was a teenage...
During my grade 8 or 9, I was have a big crush to my bestfriend's brother. And my bestfriend's family is a cat lover. At that time, I had a crazy idea that if I can able to love cat also then probably he will notice me... (hehehe, you may laugh if you read this sist...:p)