When I first open my blog today, I was so happy coz I have new award from my friend, Ms. Green...
And as usual, every award has some task to do....
So here is my answer for the task...
List of my birthday wishes...(I should list 15 and most of it are my new years resolution :p)
Okay..here we go...
1. My family blessed with health all through this year. Amien
2. My family blessed with many good fortune :) Amien.Amien
3. I'm able to have my weight just like before my marriage :p (coz now..so fat..hehehe...)
4. Able to be a great teacher for my students...a teacher that inspire and stays in their hearts :)
5. Able to be a good wife and a good mother...
6. Taking a master degree
7. Visit Casper and Molthe family in Vestby&Oslo, Norway (Miss you bro..I love you..)
8. Meet again with Ayao in her hometown in China (Miss you so much partner..)
9. Alex able to have good education in the best school
10. Mas Ayok business run well
11. PGD omzet reach Rp. Amien..
13. My business plan with Willy can be run well
14 Blog ini bisa dapet PR = 8 (At least...still struggle for it)
15. Have many new good friends and able to maintain our friendship
16...so many other things actually...:p
Okay now, I will pass this award to some of my good friends
1. Ardi yang senantiasa senang membantuku (tapi kayaknya kamu dah dapet yang sama dari Mas Hangga ya Di..) jadi kuteruskan ke yang lain aja...
1. Mas Indra, my business partner...fill it as a relaxation, mas :p
2. Clay man
3. Mas Fahmy-Frizzy
4. Bli Sudarma
5. Wyne
6. scf (Hopefully you can work in Indonesia:> )
7. Mitrariset (makasi dah membantu untuk ngajarin bikin shoutbox..)
8. Mbak Ullie
9. Maxsy's
10. Mbak Tyas (yang blog-blognya keren banget...en inspire me..)
The rules are...
1. Make a list of what you want on your birthday...
2. The list should be 15 numbers
3. Post the image of this award in your posting
4. Give it to 10 friends of yours.
Thank you....
Keyen...keyen...keyen...PR nya udh dikerjain, Dapat 100 deh...makasih mbak..btw akta 4 nya udah di ambil buln Juli 2008 tapi ijazahnya belum diambil mbak...kapan ya bisa kesana ???
Gyahaha.. Mbak, ini award yg paling bikin deg-degan karena rasanya akan membuatku membocorkan banyak banget list keinginanku yg memalukan deh *terpingkal-pingkal*
Makasih ya mbak, aku add YM-nya dulu ya skrg, tapi chatnya ntar, soale aku mo pegi dulu ke Ori hihi..
Makasih awardnya ya mbak Rila :hug:
*mulai deh mikir-mikir my wishlist ntar apa aja yaa.. aku ingin semuanya terkabul di tahun ini, amien :pray:*
Hi Rila, thank you so much for the award. I will grab it later..I will let you know if I already posted it on my blog..thank you so much
Hi Rila, that's fine...I still enjoy your blog despite the language preference.
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