And usually in Tuesday, I have my less busy day…
I only teach 1 hour at the last period…so today suppose to be my free weekday
It turns our today is a busy day

I woke up at 3.15 AM to join sahur with papa and ayu…
After that usually I continue my sleep with Alex :p
But not today…
After washed all the dishes..
I start to washed all my clothes, coz I don’t want to have so many dirty clothes after holiday…
And then after Papa went to work..
I washed my lovely nasty car :p with encus and Alex… least it don’t looks so nasty now and suster said it looks more like a car now..(emangnya sebelumnya apa..?..becak..?..dasar si encus sableng..:p)
After that, actually I planed to clean my bathroom…But the time is already 7 AM so I take a rush shower and went to school…(Coz It took a longer time by car compare to if Ayu or Encus drops me to school..)
And at school…
I started to sell my cookies..(remember..last weekend I make cookies for Lebaran..)
And Thank God, It sell 1 kg already to Ms Ju and 0,5 kg to Ms. Widy…
Hopefully tomorrow there are more person who want to buy my cookies or the bed cover that I sell..

So there are extra money for gasoline to Probolinggo and THR Suster…

I’m so happy for that…
I need to bake so many cookies tonight after Alex go to bed (Because I don’t want to reduce my playing time with Alex

Tomorrow must be a sleepy day for me then…
God please give me strength to do it.
Thank you..

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